Most of the girls have only walked a maximum of 9 miles, some only 5 or 6. We needed a longer walk so we set a new mini challenge - a half marathon!
Caroline has twin boys who go to cadets and they had arranged a sponsored walk to Hornsea on 1st October, raising funds for their Squadron (152) so what better excuse did we need for a long walk. There were no time restraints so no rush and we've all done enough mini walks to give us the confidence to walk that distance. We could take it easy and flush out any injuries or problems and deal with them before marathon day next May.
We had a couple of Follies missing in action, Ray was away on a walking break with his brother-in-law and Tina was having babysitter issues so that left 6 of us to meet at 8:30 at Jayne's house.
There were 3 of Carolines friends also walking and as you would expect, she soon dropped back with them because one of the girls had come out without her socks on! She soon started feeling the effect of the charcoal footing and develped some pretty bad blisters. We wondered whether she would make it to Hornsea but more importantly whether she would make it back. The track crosses over roads on the way where the twins and other squadron personel had set up check points to make sure we were OK and replenish our water. We knew that they would help her if it was required.

I do have to say at this point Jane Sturdy had the best bum bag available to man (so much so she went to the shop and purchased said bag for each Follie member for us to take on the Moonwalk with us). It was incredible and had EVERYTHING in it!! Deodorant, food, water, foot balm, suncream (full size!). We just awaited the cooker and 3 course meal to appear but soon realised the kitchen is Rachel domain so that was never going to happen! .
We laughed until we wee'd (some of us literally!) and we were buzzing. We had achieved something that 6 months ago none of us thought we would. We soon worked out that it's OK going to the gym and training there and doing interval training, it all helps towards fitness but we need to get out and walk. We are planning to set a long walk every 4-6 weeks covering at least 13 miles. It's good training and it'll keep us all on the level we need to be at to start together and finish together.
To top it all off we raised £152.10 - for Squadron 152. What a fantastic day!!
Well done Yorkshire Follies, we rock!