Well we had walked and talked but now it was time to put planning into action and register for our first challenge, the London Moonwalk 2012.
The Follies up to now hadn't ever been in any room all together at the same time so what better day to arrange it for but the opening of London WTW registration day - 29th September 2011.
Our inaugural Follies meeting was therefore arranged, we would meet at The Old Rectory straight from school in the morning and register, go off and do our thing for the day and meet back at 5:30 after work, with children in tow to enjoy a buffet dinner and celebratory drinks on the patio.
For the first time since some of us took part in that first walk in June we had finally got together and set our first challenge in stone. All the things we had been planning in our heads were finally becoming reality.
We have all now been formally accepted onto the Walk the Walk London Moonwalk 2012. Now the REAL training begins, working as a team, finishing what we started, together!
I even made a cake for the event!
The laughter flowed, with yet more wine, as did the ideas for not only our fund raising but our outfits for Walk the Walk. Oh what fun we are going to have.
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